Labels, Templates & Logos

Delivery Labels

Label Templates

Red labels of death (now green): Affix these to OhioLINK items to remind patrons about the associated replacement fee. Use with Avery 5971 labels. THESE use permanent adhesive do NOT attach directly to the material. For RELEASABLE adhesive neon labels, use Avery 6479.

Half size labels: Save space and money by using these half-sized labels. Use with Avery 6464 labels.


Bookband Templates

For your convenience, the SearchOhio labels and book bands are now available online.

PageSlip Templates

Note that all these files are zipped, so you need to unzip them before you can use them.

OhioLINK/SearchOhio paging slip new: This 2015 version of the item paging slip includes the item barcode in codabar as well as text.

OhioLINK/SearchOhio paging slip new (no font): Like the 2015 version, but no longer specifies a pdf font (Helvetica). If version 2 does not work, try this version.

OhioLINK/SearchOhio paging slip (no font, repeats): Another no font version of the 2015 slip, but this one repeats the delivery stop code (very informally) on the top half of the form.

Notice text examples from Westerville Public Library

Three asterisks mark text that will be sent if the patron is receiving this as a text message via OPLIN’s service. The real difference between our home notices and INN_Reach is the Belongs_to field is used.


***Your item(s) from the Westerville Library are overdue. Renew eligible items at *** Or contact us at 614-882-7277 ext. 2 to inquire about your account.

Bill (OhioLINK)

***This is a bill. The following OhioLINK item(s) have not been returned, and the following charges have been incurred.***


***Your item(s) from the Westerville Library will be due soon. Renew eligible items at *** Or contact us at 614-882-7277 ext. 2 to inquire about your account.